The Workshop on Self-Awareness in Reconfigurable Computing Systems (SRCS) is an international forum on research in self-awareness, self-optimising and adaptive applications, and reconfigurable computing systems. The second edition of SRCS will take place on the 5. September 2013 in conjunction with the 2013 International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL) in Porto, Portugal.
Workshop Scope
The field of modern computing sees a continuing trend towards increasingly complex, parallel and heterogeneous architectures as well as distributed and dynamic applications. These developments call for new approaches to design and operate systems that are capable of dealing with uncertainty and changing behaviour. Self-awareness is an emerging field of research in computing that considers systems and applications that gather and maintain information about their current state and environment, reason about their behaviour, and adapt themselves if necessary.
Reconfigurable computing systems, such as the ones using FPGAs, are capable of delivering high performance and efficiency combined with flexibility, and research in reconfigurable applications is well established. We are, however, interested in further reaching applications of reconfigurability to address the challenges mentioned above. Properties such as self-organisation, self-optimisation or self-healing can act as a means to improve flexibility, performance or reliability of applications targeting reconfigurable hardware. Self-awareness extends this line of research and includes aspects such as reasoning, learning and intelligence to a run-time adaptive system.
Feature of a self-aware, reconfigurable system could be:
- Adaptation to system internal aspects (availability of resources, power, temperature, processing load or memory usage).
- Adaptation to external aspects (application input data, application requirements, system environment, other nodes in the network).
- Monitoring the own execution and automatically optimising it.
- Learning and changing strategies and responses over time.
- Global organisation, management and optimisation in distributeted systems.
- Dealing with failures, changing environments and topologies.
List of Topics
We invite contributions that relate to self-awareness and reconfigurability. The list of topics includes but is not necessarily limited to:
- Concepts and foundations of self-aware systems.
- Architectures, control, instrumentation and infrastructure for self-aware systems.
- Algorithmic approaches for self-awareness.
- Tools for engineering self-aware systems.
- Advanced autonomous and self-adaptive systems.
- Self-awareness and adaptation in heterogeneous and distributed systems.
- Run-time techniques for adaptive behaviour, including dynamic reconfiguration.
- Applications using self-awareness or self-adaptivity.
- Emergence of self-awareness in adaptive systems.
Important Dates
- Submission deadline:
10 June 2013Extended: 17 June 2013 - Notification of acceptance: 26 July 2013
- Final version due: 16 August 2013

The SRCS'13 Workshop is sponsored by Awareness, a FET coordination action funded by the European Commission under FP7.
News :
12 September 2013:
IJRC Special Issue announced. (read more)
14 August 2013:
Workshop program available. (read more)
20 June 2013:
Registration is open. (read more)
3 June 2013:
Submission deadline extended. (read more)